My Story


Hey there, I am Shulika l. Tata, welcome to my blog

I am a mom, a teacher, a solutions architect, an Entrepreneur, an IT PhD student, an agilist and a lover of culture! I am passionate about education, technology, family, and of course, life. I am a creative and adventurous person, always eager to learn and in this blog, I share resources that help us grow.

I look forward to helping you achieve your dreams.

There is nothing as fulfilling as investing in oneself. No knowledge is ever wasted. I’ve had quite the journey for growth and experiences in different fields and today, After responding to the same questions about career, education, family, and entrepreneurship over the years, this blog will help serve as an archive for most of those and hopefully inform you, my readers of the opportunities for growth.

Who Am I?

Just a girl from a small village in the Northwest Region of Cameroon called Nso and “proud to be”, I have so many labels attached to me both in my personal and professional life. Known as one who challenges convention and always looks for opportunities for growth. An adventurous woman who has spent a lot of time learning and experimenting in different spheres, which I love. Who says you could be just one thing, I love a good challenge and always seek to learn a new skill. I have failed so many but have got some successful adventures as well.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s okay to be just one thing and focus on it, but if you are anything like me, I bet you love getting your hands dirty. With just a little dedication, you can achieve a lot in just a small period of time, learn a new concept, art, or technology and add to your portfolio, trust me, it always comes in Handy.


As a mom of two beautiful and smart girls, my partner and I are constantly looking for tips to raising them responsibly and in the spirit of God, and making sure they have enough fun as they grow. I will also be sharing with you what worked and didn’t work for us. One of such tips is how we got our first daughter to say her ABC’s and her numbers(1 – 10) at 11 months old.


I am a Cloud solutions architect. In my previous life, I have been a Cameroonian diplomat, and have worked with the United Nations, a project/program manager and an Agilist. I am also a community Volunteer for Wirfon Cloud Technologies where I teach and Introduce CLoud Technologies to African students.

As a Diplomat, I worked for the Cameroon government and represented them in The United Nations in New York. I gained so many negotiation and networking skills during my time here. A very prestigious career and I enjoyed my time here. I still remain an ambassador for my country.


As a Doctoral student, research is inevitable. It reflects in my life as I tend to research every little thing around me and sometimes document it. I have written tons of papers in my educational life and it’s time to share some of that with you. I am known to be one of the most educated women in my community…I have not one, not two, not three but more than four degrees and two hands full of certifications

  • A Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences
  • A Master’s degree in International relations
  • A Master’s degree in Diplomacy
  • A Master’s degree in International Development
  • A Ph.D. in Information technology (a work in progress)

I have earned more than 10 certificates ranging from different aspects of technology to Agile and International Relations which can be viewed on my Linkedin Page.

I am also a Fulbright Scholar, an AAUW (American Association of University Students Scholar) and an Amazon Web Service(AWS) All Builders Grant Reciever, besides being an AWS community Builder.

I am also…

  • An entrepeneur
  • A coach and a mentor
  • A Master of Ceremony (MC)
  • An Agilist
  • A fashion and lifestyle lover
  • A cultural enthusiast

Oh…did I mention how playful I am? … Well, with kids, one has got to bring out the child in them!

Lets learn, grow and earn together!